About CSUN Latino Journalists

What is CSUN Latino Journalists all about?

Club Constitution

The California State University, Northridge Latino Journalists club is a student chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the California Chicano News Media Association.

The California Chicano News Media Association (CCNMA) is a non-profit organization.

CCNMA’s mission is to promote diversity in the news media by providing encouragement, scholarships and educational programs for Latinos pursuing careers in the news media, and to foster an accurate and fair portrayal of Latinos in the news media, and promoting the social, economic and professional advancement of Latino journalists.

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the recognition and professional advancement of Hispanics in the news industry. 
NAHJ’s goals are:

    1. To organize and provide mutual support for Hispanics involved in the gathering or disseminating of news
    2. To encourage and support the study and practice of journalism and communications by Hispanics
    3. To foster and promote a fair treatment of Hispanics by the media
    4. To further the employment and career development of Hispanics in the media
    5. To foster a greater understanding of Hispanic media professionals’ special cultural identity, interests, and concerns

Why should I join?

Being a part of the club can help students network with professionals, find internships and even jobs. On the campus level, members will be exposed to panels and guest speakers — usually pro journalists — and tours of newsrooms. On the state and national level, CCNMA and NAHJ have conferences where one can take part in workshops with fellow journalists from all over the country.



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